If you need a digital signature, consider getting a Smallpdf Pro subscription, which enables digital sealing. If you have a contract or form in a different format, you can first convert it to PDF with our all-in-one PDF Converter, and then use our signature maker to sign the file.Īs a free user, you create a standard electronic signature when you create a signature or sign a PDF with our online signing tool. You can upload any PDF document to our eSign tool to create a signature and sign the file electronically. Of course, you can also opt for both-the tools are free to use! Sign PDFs Online for Free On the other hand, if you need to store the signature or share it as part of a signature request, you should save it in PDF format. Most email providers should allow you to edit your email signature via their settings page. If you want to include your personal signature in your email signature, the JPG format also works best. You can drag and drop an image onto almost any text editor, including Word, Google Docs, and TextEdit.
If you want to sign many documents, JPG is the way to go.
Once you’ve generated an online signature, the format you want to save it in depends on your needs.