If you understand those risks and still wish to continue, read on.ĮA Motive has Started Work on the Iron Man Game Non Root Methods If you’re permanently banned, you lose everything. There is no guarantee that it will work or that you won’t get caught. You could be spoofing for months and never even get a warning from Niantic or use it for one day and immediately get banned the next day. Ban waves happen occasionally, and Niantic has been known to permaban even first-time offenders. They consider using any third party programs as cheating and if they catch you, you will be banned. A Warning Before We Beginīefore you go ahead and follow the methods detailed here, be advised that Niantic does not condone spoofing. In this article, we’ll show you how to fake or spoof your GPS in Pokémon Go and allow you to collect items and catch Pokémon without leaving your house. Despite Niantic introducing Remote Raids, and bonus items, many still think that faking your GPS location or spoofing is a better way to play. But if you don’t want to go outside or can’t for any reason, it can be particularly hard to play the game. Pokémon Go, despite being several years old, is still a very popular game.