Keep in mind that you should use Uninstaller of the same program version you have installed or newer, using Uninstaller from the outdated package may cause unexpected issues with removing the program. Please uninstall Parallels Desktop from Mac OS Tiger using the program's Uninstaller script located in the distribution package (.dmg or CD) before running Leopard update. KB #5027 - What is the recommended policy of updating to Mac OS X Leopard with Parallels Desktop installed? Google failed completely, and it took several searches through the Parallels kb to find this article (VMWare Fusion was marginally better at providing the same info): The bad news is that it's surprisingly hard to find out about this. The good news is that there is an uninstaller - it's in the DMG file. You know these things are messing with the deep OS. Even Apple apps aren't all that well behaved.Īpplications like Parallels Desktop and VMWare Fusion are particularly worrisome. Don't forget this.) Perfectly behaved apps can be simply deleted, but those are less common that one would imagine.
(Note to self: this was a bad sign about how finished OS/2 was. It's not quite as bad as OS/2, where nothing could be uninstalled, but it's not good.